
Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy New (School) Year!

It's that time of year again. The nights are getting cooler, and shiny white sneakers and notebook paper are on sale---the school year is about to begin! I've always found this time of year fascinating. More so that New Year's resolutions, the new school year is a chance to create positive change for oneself and others. Like a snake that regularly sloughs off its old skin, we have an opportunity to change unnecessary habits and seek out ways to renew our efforts as artists. After a summer to rest and reflect, we begin a semester energized and hopeful.

So, dear reader, I ask: What are your goals for the semester and year? What kind of student do you want to be?

I hope you'll look to the new semester as a time to develop yourself, delve deeply into your studies with curiosity, and seek out new experiences and inspirations that inform and strengthen your own creative endeavors. I'll be doing the same with my own teaching and learning and look forward to our collaborative journey.

Before you walk into your first class, lesson, or practice room session, ask yourself: what are your goals for this new time? How will you achieve these goals? I encourage you to submit your comments/thoughts/goals to this blog so you can share your ideas with all of us.

There are exciting times my friends; make the most of our yearly renaissance.


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